
Student’s Day at MSHEU: Results

In the last week of January, a number of festive events dedicated to the Day of Russian Students were held at MSHEU. The Student Council has prepared concerts, quizzes and intellectual games. The main...

The visit of the Chinese delegation

Within the framework of the cooperation agreement, on June 3, the Chinese delegation of the Nanjing Pedagogical University of Special Education visited Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics. The visit of the Chinese...

Dear veterans, teachers, staff, students! The day of the Great Victory is the memory of the immortal feat of the people during the Great Patriotic War, which selflessly defended the freedom and independence of...

Communication Laboratory Award 2019

Dear Colleagues! The Association of Communicators in the sphere of education and science (AKSON) begins to accept questionnaires for participation in the Communication Laboratory Award. The Communication Laboratory Award is the first professional award...

Anniversary of the Department of Oriental Languages

April 29, 2019, the 10th anniversary celebration was held at the Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics. Exactly 10 years ago, in 2008, by the decision of the Academic Council, with the assistance...