Communication Laboratory Award 2019

Dear Colleagues!

The Association of Communicators in the sphere of education and science (AKSON) begins to accept questionnaires for participation in the Communication Laboratory Award.

The Communication Laboratory Award is the first professional award in Russia for specialists in the field of scientific communication. Its main task is to form quality standards in an actively developing professional field of institutional scientific communication.

The prize is awarded to communication specialists and teams of scientific and educational organizations (universities and research institutes – fundamental and applied), who have shown outstanding achievements in ensuring a dialogue between science and society through the corporate communications of their organizations. The award is given in three categories, plus a large and small Grand Prix.

“Experiment”. For best practices in the field of offline communication. Non-mediated projects (eg, events, lecture series, educational activities, etc.) that promote the scientific achievements of organizations are evaluated. The experts will take into account the novelty and creativity of the format, its scalability, and, if possible, the project’s audience indicators.

“The effect of presence.” For the best promotion of scientists in the media. Media activities are nominated, media projects – publications / series of publications in the media, which tell about science and scientists (for example: a series of interviews, comments on the current agenda, special projects, selections, etc.).

“Superfluidity”. For better management of your own communication channels. Any kinds of own media are nominated, through which the organization effectively communicates with one of its key audiences (for example: a website, a channel in a telegram, a youtube blog, a corporate magazine, etc.).

More information about the award can be found on the website of AKSON.

Application for participation in the award on behalf of the communication service of the university or research institute can be submitted by the following link. Questionnaires are accepted until May 20, 2019, at 23.59 Moscow time. Within 48 hours after the application is submitted, you will receive a confirmation of its receipt to the email address you provide. If no confirmation has been received during this time, please contact

For questions about the Competition, contact:

Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics;

107150, Moscow, st. Losinoostrovskaya 49,

Division for the organization of research activities (office 214);

tel. 8 (499) 780-48-45 (ext. 3050);

email address: