Dear friends,
on behalf of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education and on my own behalf let me congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year!
The Knowledge Day is the most important event for students, postgraduates and academics, those involved with the system of education. Each new academic year opens new horizons and offers new opportunities.
At present our government sets much store by the higher education as the present generation of students and educators can boost the break-through innovation which will put Russia in the lead in scientific and technological sphere. To meet these expectations Russian high schools will have to change their methodologies and approaches to education management as they must be science and praxis oriented.
Russian universities will become more open to international cooperation enabling their graduates’ competitiveness both in the domestic and international labour markets. As a result we expect to see Russia among top-ten countries on world top 500 universities list.
Every student and teacher can contribute to the Russian high school development and innovation. The changes that will reserve Russia a seat in the world system of education are up to your support, brevity, creativity and responsibility.
I wish you every success in all your beginnings in the new academic year!
Minister of Science and Higher Education,
Mikhail Kotuykov