MGGEU Got Access to the Electronic Resources of “Springer Nature” Publishing House | Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics

MGGEU Got Access to the Electronic Resources of “Springer Nature” Publishing House

Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics has been granted access to the electronic resources of Springer Nature publishing house.

1. “Nature” is a platform of Springer Nature publishing house. It provides access to 85 journals that publish research on a wide range of topics, mostly scientific, including the oldest journal Nature. The journals’ target audience is academics; it publishes original research, for the readers with expert knowledge in the relevant field.
Its Web page is

2. “Nano” database on the “Nature” platform is the first open service for Russian researchers, which offers the most relevant and structured information about nanotechnology obtained from journals with high IF factor and patents.
Its Web page is

3. Almost all full-text resources of Springer Nature publishing house are gathered on the platform of “Springer Link” ranging from journals and books to handbooks and conference proceedings in a wide array of research areas (including humanitarian, scientific, technical fields).
Its Web page is

Spring Materials database contains a full collection of data, its properties and features. A newly integrated Springer Materials Interactive tool will give you an opportunity to visualize your data and to use received tables and animations in your works.
Link address:
Link address:

July, 2018 Springer Protocols platform was upgraded and changed its name to Springer Nature Experiments. The platform represents the largest databases of the biomedical protocols and methods. Most of the sources are books and journals from Springer Nature publisher.
The access to the databases is carried out under the Russian Foundation for Basic Research license agreement.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the research department:
8 (499)160-92-00