On February 14, the Faculty of Digital Technologies and Cybersecurity of MSHEU holds a number of events dedicated to the day of the computer scientist and programmer. The program includes an open lecture by the Dean of Digital Technologies and Cybersecurity A.N. Rudnev, a master class from the adviser to the General Director of Voentelecom JSC M.K. Denisov, a quiz “In the world of IT” and a cinema seminar with viewing and discussion of films on the subject of the IT sphere.
Teachers, university students, as well as students of specialized colleges and specialized classes of secondary educational institutions, as well as everyone are invited to participate. Please note that by joining us, you will receive a lot of useful information necessary for your professional development, meet interesting people, and also use the opportunity to win cool prizes and immediately receive them from the hands of the Dean of the Faculty of Digital Technologies and Cybersecurity! Don’t miss your chance!