Requirements for the manuscript
The article must be an authoritative study that has not been previously published.
Materials are sent to the mail of the magazine “Man.Society. Inclusion”
The text is typed without formatting or page numbering but with paragraphs and special instructions in the requirements for the design of the manuscript.
Font – Times New Roman, font size – 12, line spacing – 1.0. It is not allowed to indent paragraphs using tabs or a series of spaces.
The manuscript is submitted to the editor in the form of a file with the extension .doc, .docx, .rtf.
The journal publishes three types of manuscripts:
• Full manuscript: volume 25–40 thousand characters with spaces, 12–40 points in the literature.
• Review manuscript: volume 50–80 thousand characters with spaces, from 60 points in the literature.
• Brief message, review – up to 6 thousand characters.
• The volume of the manuscript includes abstract, keywords, footnotes and references.
• The title of the manuscript, information about the author(s), abstract, keywords, captions to figures and tables are provided in Russian and English.
• The originality of the manuscript is at least 80%. The volume of borrowing from one source should not exceed 6%. Unlawful borrowings are not allowed in the text.
Manuscript structure

1. Metadata in Russian
Type of manuscript (full manuscript / review / brief message).
Title of the manuscript.
Author(s)’ full name(s). The first and middle names are written in full and after the last name.
Author’s organization. It is necessary to write the official name of the institution, and write the name of the city and country separated by commas.
E-mail of the author is who should be corresponded to.
Abstract. (150–250 words) informative (does not have general words); original; meaningful; includes all aspects of the content of the manuscript: the purpose of the work; novelty; subject, method or methodology of work; work results; conclusions. Keywords. 6–10 words that help index the manuscript in search engines.

2. Metadata in English
• Type of manuscript (full manuscript / review / brief message, review).
• Title of the article.
• Author(s)’ name(s). Write first name, middle (abbreviated), last name. The transliteration of the author’s name must be identical to the one in the ORCID profile, passport, or previously published articles.
• Author’s organization The official English name of the institution.
• E-mail of the author who should be corresponded to.
• Abstract. The English version of the abstract must fully correspond to the Russian version and be correct according to the norms of the English language.
• Keywords. Keywords in English correspond to their order in the Russian version of the metadata.

3. Full text of the manuscript
• The full text should be structured according to the IMRAD structure, Results section can be further divided into titled semantic parts.
• Introduction: describes the general topic of the study, the purpose of the work, relevance, and a brief review of scientific literature on the topic.
• Methods and materials: description of materials and research methods, description of the analysis of the original experimental study; or Theoretical basis – if the article is devoted to theoretical research;
• Results: experimental or theoretical data obtained during the research are presented. The results are given in a processed version and can be presented both in the form of text and in the form of tables, graphs, diagrams, equations, photos, drawings. Subsections with meaningful names are possible. O
Examples from the research material (speech units, quotes from literature) in the text of the manuscript are given in italics without quotation marks.
• Discussion: interpretation of the results obtained, their correlation with other studies.
• Conclusion: contains the main ideas of the main text of the manuscript; comparison of the results obtained with those planned, as well as their novelty and practical significance; conclusions and recommendations; main directions for further research in this area.
• Visual material. Figures and tables must be adequate to the manuscript and the text, must not duplicate the entire text, and not be redundant or superfluous. They are for presenting information clearly, completely and in a structured manner.
• All types of objects (tables, graphs, diagrams, pictures, diagrams, drawings) and captions to them are placed in the text of the manuscript and numbered if there is more than one.
• References to objects in the text are required.
• The title of the object is given in Russian and English.
• Graphs, diagrams, diagrams, drawings done using MS Office are provided as separate files in source application format (.xls, .vsd, .doc).
• Tables are provided as editable text and not as images.
• Footnotes. They contain links to unpublished works or those without authorship (links to regulatory and archival documents, Internet sources without authorship, forums, etc.), to government documents (government decrees, laws, etc.), historical documents , newspaper articles, online sources without authorship (forums, blogs, video resources, presentations, etc.), examples, works of art, journalistic and reference sources, as well as author’s notes.
• Additional Information
• Conflict of interests – authors are required to disclose any existing or potential conflicts of interest that may influence the decision to publish their work. If there are no conflicts of interest, you should disclose: The author(s) declared no potential conflict of interests with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Any disagreements regarding author contributions, funding, or personal relationships that may have an impact on the submitted work must be resolved before submitting the manuscript. Concealment of potential or obvious conflict of interests on the part of the authors, identified by the editors, may cause delay or refusal in the consideration and publication of the manuscript.
• Authorship criteria – the actual contribution of each co-author to the work performed is indicated, and it is specified at which stage of the manuscript creation each of its authors took part. CRediT’s contributor role taxonomy ( can be used to describe the scientific contributions of researchers.
• Acknowledgments – authors can express gratitude to people and organizations who helped with the research and contributed to the publication of the manuscript but are not its authors. The section is optional.
• Funding information – authors must indicate the sources of funding for both the scientific work and the process of publishing the article (foundation, commercial or government organization, private individual, etc., if any): concealing information about funding is one of the reasons for a conflict of interest.
• Bibliography. Literature for a scientific article is its obligatory structural part, which reflects the scientific component of the coverage of the topic and allows you to verify the reliability of the data used in the research. The quality of the bibliography indicates the competence of the author. In addition, it allows you to acknowledge and use the ideas of other authors, excluding accusations of plagiarism, and also demonstrate the scope and depth of research by citing the work of other authors and your previous publications. References to the latest literature and foreign literature can characterize the relevance of a scientific publication.
• Manuscripts without bibliography will not be accepted for consideration.
• Bibliography includes only sources used in preparing the manuscript
• The number of sources for an original scientific article is 12–40, for a review from 60.
• All sources in the text must be cited.
• In the text of the manuscript links are written in square brackets indicating the author, the authors (if there are two), the author, etc. (if there are 3 or more), year of publication and cited pages. Different sources are separated by a semicolon, and within one block they are arranged alphabetically. When specifying a range of pages, a dash (not a hyphen) is used. For example: [Naukin, 2019, 82], [Kuznetsov, Kuznetsov 2024, 40], [Morozov et al. 2024, 7–8], [Naukin 2010, 78; Naukin, Kuznetsov 2015, 403; Morozov et al. 2020, 7–8].
• if the source is indicated in full, without mentioning specific pages, place a mention of the author in parentheses in the text, putting the year of publication next to it: (Krause, 2014). If it is necessary to mention two or more sources, a semicolon is used: (Krause, 2014; Marno, 2011);
• to clarify the chronological sequence of publication of the article, the year of primary publication is written in square brackets: (Romanov, 2008 [1987]);
• indirect quotation: the need to provide a quotation found in the work referred to in the text: (Romanov, 2008, 25 (cited from: Klimov, 2006, 36))
• If in the literature the same author with the same year of publication is used twice or more times, then when referenced in the text the year is indicated: 2010a, 2010b, 2010c.
• The list of references is located after the text of the article in alphabetical order (first sources in Russian, then in foreign ones), preceded by the word Literature / References.
• You should not overuse the inclusion of dissertations (since these are unpublished documents), educational and methodological manuals, since they have very specific educational purposes and are compilative in nature. Instead of links to dissertations and abstracts, you should indicate articles from scientific journals, conference proceedings, monographs, etc., published both before and after the publication of the dissertation of this author.
• The list of references should contain sources published over the last 5 years (7–10 points).
• Self-citation should be limited to 10% of references from the total number of sources, it must be justified.
• Description of sources is drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.05-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules of compilation.”
• The description in Latin is based on the Harvard style. Punctuation marks “//”, “/”, “–” prescribed by GOST are not used, they should be replaced with commas and periods.
Bibliographic description of the publication includes:
• surname and initials of all the authors (regardless of their number),
• full title of the work,
• edition (if specified),
• city, name of publisher, year of publication,
• volume (for multi-volume publications), number, issue (for periodicals),
• for articles – numbers of the first and last pages; for monographs – volume of publication.

• If sources have EDN and/or DOI, it is mandatory to indicate.
• When referring to a component part of a book or collection (article, chapter, section, etc.), its starting and ending pages must be indicated in the bibliography.
. • After the Russian description, a translation or transliteration of the source is given in square brackets.
• The names of Russian authors are given as they list themselves in publications (foreign) or in their profiles (ORCID, Scopus). If such information is not available, then transliteration according to the BSI (British Standard Institution) standard is used.
• The names of foreign authors are not transliterated, they should be given in the original (for example, J. Austin – in the original J. Austen, not Dzh. Ostin).
• Titles of publications not in the Latin alphabet are translated into English. For an article in Russian, the metadata of which provides a translation of the title into English, it is necessary to use the author’s version of the translation, and not translate it again. This information can be viewed on the website of a specific journal or in the online library eLIBRARY.RU.
• Journal names not in the Latin alphabet are given as they ask to be cited. If the journal does not provide such information, then use transliteration according to the BSI standard. The title of the journal should be in italics.
• If the source text is not in Latin, then at the end of the description the language of publication is indicated in parentheses, for example (In Russ.), (In Jap.), (In Ukr.), etc.

Sample manuscript format
Full manuscript
Проблемы развития адаптированной среды для инвалидов
Петр Иванович Кузнецов
Российский государственный университет социальных технологий, Россия, Москва,хххх-хххх-хххх-хххх
Иван Иванович Морозов
Российский государственный университет социальных технологий, Россия, Москва,хххх-хххх-хххх-хххх
Ключевые слова:

Problems of developing an adapted environment for people with disabilities

Petr I. Kuznetsov
Russian State University of Social Technologies, Russia, Moscow,хххх-хххх-хххх-хххх
Ivan I. Morozov
Russian State University of Social Technologies, Russia, Moscow,хххх-хххх-хххх-хххх
Abstract: This paper proposes……
Текст статьи
Конфликт интересов: Авторы заявили об отсутствии потенциальных конфликтов интересов в отношении исследования, авторства и / или публикации данной статьи.
Conflict of interests: The authors declared no potential conflicts of interests regarding the research, authorship, and / or publication of this article.
Критерии авторства:
Финансирование: Исследование выполнено при поддержке…
Funding: The work is…
Библиография / References

1.Бессчетнова, О. В. Общественный транспорт глазами лиц с инвалидностью: агрессивная среда vs инклюзия / О. В. Бессчетнова, Д. А. Матвеев // Человек. Общество. Инклюзия. – 2023. – № 1(53). – С. 8-17. – EDN FUKDFW.
2. Наберушкина Э.К., Бессчетнова О.В. Инклюзивный потенциал молодых инвалидов в сфере медико-социальной помощи и реабилитации // Общество: социология, психология, педагогика. – 2022. – №8. – С.24-30. EDN: RBJDCJ


1.Besschetnova, O. V. Matveev, D. A. (2023) Obshhestvennyj transport glazami lic s invalidnost’ju: agressivnaja sreda vs inkljuzija. Chelovek. Obshhestvo. Inkljuzija. no.1(53). p. 8-17. (In Russ) EDN FUKDFW.

2. Naberushkina Je.K., Besschetnova O.V. (2022) Inkljuzivnyj potencial molodyh invalidov v sfere mediko-social’noj pomoshhi i reabilitacii. Obshhestvo: sociologija, psihologija, pedagogika. no.8.p.24-30. (In Russ) EDN: RBJDCJ